
A former art and document expert forced into a life of crime as a mastermind uses his intelligence to orchestrate heists catering to the whims of the super-rich who want to circumvent the law. The story opens with the protagonist employing a skilled cat burglar to replace a painting with an exact duplicate provided by his client. Several years later, a billionaire wishes the return of four very rare automobiles, which he was forced to sell during his divorce.

John R. Rossbach

From an early age, I enjoyed creating stories using my imagination and creativity. My career involves acting as a writer/producer for various video and visual media, bringing these ideas to life. Some of my ideas include a detective story as seen through the eyes of the investigator, a time travel novel set in the year 2065, and novels related to my interest in aviation. The inspiration for my story ideas comes from my experiences and my desire to constantly learn as I go through life. I also like to explore personal relationships as they develop and change through interaction with others.


Author Interview



A former art and document expert forced into a life of crime as a mastermind uses his intelligence to orchestrate heists catering to the whims of the super-rich who want to circumvent the law. The story opens with the protagonist employing a skilled cat burglar to replace a painting with an exact duplicate provided by his client. Several years later, a billionaire wishes the return of four very rare automobiles, which he was forced to sell during his divorce. To switch the real cars with replicas, a plan is hatched to perform the sleight of hand while the vehicles are on a moving semi-trailer, which cannot be stopped. Like a ghost from the past, the protagonist replaces the same painting yet again. Now, both replacements must occur simultaneously with split-second timing for the plan to work. The addition of a consummate grifter to the team makes it all possible. This time, the mastermind involves himself in the art of the con to stop his plan from unraveling. Read More

Security Risks

A brutal civil war rages in a third world nation where warring factors fight to take over the country. Seven years ago Jeremy Bracken, a security expert with the diplomatic service, engineered a brilliant security plan to protect the leaders coming to the US to sign a treaty and end the slaughter; but his boss gripped with eternal greed betrayed the operation arranging for an ambush of the representatives as they travel to sign the treaty. Jeremy witnesses first-hand the horrible destruction of the delegates by a helicopter gunship. Now the current U.S. President tries to end the slaughter with a new treaty. Once again powerful forces pull Jeremy into the fray as the ghosts of the past come back to haunt him. His ex-lover has married a key treaty diplomat and she uses their past to lure him into the plot. His good friend the current Secretary of State asks for help to fly the gauntlet of terrorist no-fly zones to move the treaty forward. Even the US Justice Department calls on him to face his former boss to get valuable information. A beautiful news reporter enters his life tearing down the walls of isolation he has built during the previous seven years. . Jeremy uses his photographic memory and superior intellect to foil the plot. Relying on a truly remarkable aircraft, which flies at supersonic speeds and lands vertically like a helicopter, Jeremy races against time to save the treaty? The thrilling story concludes with a spectacular landing on an aircraft carrier in a last ditch effort to save himself and his friends.

Desperate Flight

A violent uprising, a missing corporate jet, and a priceless black diamond make for a desperate flight ending in tragedy. Sam Burke and his company that finds lost aircraft, AeroFind Unlimited, search for answers to the mysterious disappearance. A Fisher Industries plane is sent to South America to rescue company executives from being captured by rebels. The few details known about the flight only hide the issue of what really happened. Sam and his team find evidence of a massive corporate conspiracy and discover the wife of the company founder may have smuggled a rare diamond in her luggage. The investigation sends the team into danger as attempts are made on their lives; the presence of a CIA covert operative raises the stakes. Efforts to help find the plane happen at the same time that steps are taken to keep its fate a secret. Can Sam give the closure Marc Fisher desperately needs and unravel the enigma of the doomed Learjet? Can the missing airplane be found, along with the missing diamond? Can Sam and his crew survive the attempts on their lives, and can they stop those behind the terrible plots? Desperate Flight tells a thrilling story.

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